Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fabuless finds!

In the midst of horrible wintry temperatures and wind, I decided to get out of the house. I stopped off at Goodwill to see what I could find. First off, I have an eBay store, and some purchases are automatically posted to ebay versus me keeping them. Today, I found a keeper and something to list.

These are adorable leather skimmers from Born. I'm guessing these ran about $98. I got them for $5.99 and they fit perfectly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this pair of shoes and I can't wait to wear them. Maybe in June?
The next item is for a more eclectic soul. Desigual is a very expensive Spanish brand. Nothing, I repeat, nothing is inexpensive in Desigual. Bright colors, bold florals abound here. This is something I would never wear, but I know someone else will, and they will get a deal. This is a poncho, new with tags on it. I had to Google what the dollar conversion was because it was in Euros. That's good news because this item may not have hit American stores. Retail price $50!

I also got 2 tapers for .50, and a pair of white denim Chico Platinum cropped pants. All in all, I think I had a successful trip.